Heard in the Halls

Brothers in Hallways

Here are some responses heard in the halls on the first Sunday back in Elementary!

What did you miss about not being able to come to church?
  • Michael: Friends
  • Beau & Wells: Learning about Jesus
What do you like about being back at Stonebriar?
  • Michael: Seeing friends
  • Wells: Learning about God
What are you excited about doing in church today?
  • Michael: Memory verse games
  • Wells: Playing rock, paper, scissors
  • Sarah (AKA mom): It’s nice to do something normal, isn’t it, guys?

Sunday programming is now available for all ages—kids, teens, and adults! Reserve your spot for this Sunday’s worship services, kids’ programs, student groups, and adult fellowships on our website today: stonebriar.org/join-us-for-worship


  • Stonebriar Community Church

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