
Share a Request or Pray for Others

Request Prayer

When you need help, call on God through prayer, and He will hear you. Our Prayer Team is here to call on Him with you. If you would like to add a prayer request to our weekly prayer list, you may do so in either of the following ways:

Pray for Others

If you are interested in joining our Prayer Team, please reach out to Lauri Lanier at Prayer Team members receive a weekly prayer list via email, which includes prayer requests submitted by our church family and community. We would love for you to join us in lifting these requests to the Lord.

Upcoming Events

Care and Support Team

Steve Fischer

Steve Fischer
Care Minister & Ordained Pastor

Dave Carl

Dave Carl
Men’s Support Group Minister

Roy Williamson

Roy Williamson
Pastoral Care Minister & Ordained Pastor

David Ake

David Ake
Marriage Minister & Ordained Pastor

Lauri Lanier

Lauri Lanier
Women’s Support Group Minister

Jamie Ake

Jamie Ake
Marriage Ministry Coordinator

If you have questions or need help navigating Care Ministries, please reach out to Lauri Lanier at or by calling 469-252-5364. Lauri looks forward to assisting you with your needs.