The Ultimate Gift, Episode 2

Marriage Moment

Previously, Pastor David Ake shared what to give your spouse as the ultimate gift this gift-giving season. In this episode, David and Jaime share how to give that ultimate gift, based on biblical truths and Jesus’ sacrificial gift. Tune in next time for part three of the Ultimate Gift series.

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  • David Ake

    David Ake is Associate Pastor of Marriage Ministries at Stonebriar Community Church. David and his wife, Jamie, have been married for sixteen years, and David is still trying to figure out how Jamie fell in love with him. They have two daughters who have to hear all the time about how much Mom and Dad are in love. (They roll their eyes a lot.) Jamie and David fight, hug, laugh, and kiss a lot in front of their kids, and they love how their kids ask them to leave on dates so that they can have their own “me time.” They pray a lot for the men who will show up at their door someday to take their own girls out on a date.

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