Shelter in Peace

“Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.” Psalm 91:1–2 NIV

Have you wondered how to find peace when daily confronted by stories of disease and hatred? Throughout the Bible we can find where shelter lies—our one true Refuge. Join Pastoral Leader Karen Hawkins as she reflects on passages from Psalms.


  • Karen Hawkins

    As Pastoral Leader of Community Care, Karen has the joy of encouraging the Stonebriar family (ALL ages and stages) to go beyond the walls of our church and express the love and hope of Jesus by caring for the relational, spiritual, and tangible needs of our neighbors. Her passion is to help create community within the church by serving together to meet the needs of those outside the church, and she develops and nurtures ongoing partnerships with other churches and organizations who seek to help individuals and families in our community.

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