Guest Speakers in Contemporary Worship Service
We love to hear from a variety of voices at our contemporary worship service, and this is your place to find their messages on demand. Get to know some of our guest speakers below, and enjoy their insights from God’s Word any time.
Rhome van Dyck
Rhome is the founder of Sacra Script, a ministry dedicated to equipping the Church with Christ-centered Bible studies and resources. Rhome holds a Th.M. in Historical Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary, and his passion is for the worldwide Church and teaching the message of God’s Word from its original context. Rhome has traveled extensively around the world teaching and training pastors often in areas of persecution and continues a busy teaching schedule both at home and abroad. He is married to Vanessa, a former college professor and fellow Dallas Seminary graduate, and they have two young daughters: Kaleah and Adrielle.
Jason Post
Jason and his wife, Mandy, serve as Stonebriar-supported missionaries in Galway, Ireland. As partners of WorldVenture, Jason and Mandy focus on church planting, leadership development, and missionary leadership. They were called to this area of missions due to the lack of Gospel witness in the West of Ireland. Jason and Mandy have four children (Emma, Zoe, Ruby, and Wyatt) and enjoy reading, family time, sports, and spending time outdoors.
Marlon Ríos
Marlon nació en México. A los seis años de edad, emigró con su familia a Estados Unidos. Marlon sirvió en el Ejército de los Estados Unidos por seis años y posteriormente logró terminar exitosamente su maestría en Teología en el Seminario Teológico de Dallas. Mientras trabaja en su doctorado en la Universidad Bautista de Dallas, Marlon también se desempeña actualmente como Director de Reclutamiento de Servicios Militares y de Veteranos en esta misma universidad. Marlon y su esposa Carolina tienen tres hijos: Joshua, Joel y Rebekah.