Serve with Us

Volunteer opportunities & needs
Serving Opportunities

More Ways to Serve

If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, or if you’d like to explore more opportunities that fit your gifts and interests, reach out to us at or browse all of our ministries’ current volunteer needs.

Explore All Service Opportunities

Adult Volunteers

For more information on any of our ProjectServe opportunities or how to get started, contact Kim Porter at

Youth Volunteers

YES! (Youth Engaged in Serving) is a unique service opportunity for youth to grow in their maturity and gain experience in leadership skills. Through the time the youth are in the YES! Program, they will be able to share the Lord’s Word with children from birth to high school and beyond. To participate in the YES! Program, youth must be in sixth through twelfth grade. YES! interviews and trainings are held quarterly.

  • Complete the YES! Application
  • Interview with Heather Tinkle, the YES! Ministry Coordinator
  • Attend YES! Training

For more information on the YES! Program, contact Heather Tinkle at

Discover Your Gifts

While we are all called to serve wherever there is a need, each of us have also been blessed with spiritual gifts that equip us to serve in specific ways, such as hospitality or leadership. We invite you to take our spiritual gifts inventory to discover your strengths and help you decide where to use them as a volunteer.

Project Serve Team

Kim Porter

Kim Porter
ProjectServe Ministry Director

Carly Ward

Carly Ward
ProjectServe Ministry Coordinator

Heather Tinkle

Heather Tinkle
YES! (Youth Engaged in Service) Ministry Coordinator

Questions about Volunteering?

If you have more questions about volunteering with Stonebriar, please contact Kim Porter at or 469-252-5372.