Urgent Needs
Help meet the critical need for volunteers at the 2025 XO Marriage Conference and receive a complimentary ticket to attend the conference.
Help keep our classrooms open so little ones can learn about God’s love. Our most urgent needs are in the 2-year-old, 3-year-old, and kindergarten classrooms on Sundays.
Help our Elementary students (grades 1–5) grow in faith and learn from God’s Word. We have urgent needs during both Sunday services.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Godly young adults are needed to serve in just about every area of our church family. Serving others is a great way to continue to find your passions and develop deep friendships among the larger community of believers at Stonebriar. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
We understand some senior adults may need accommodations to serve, such as the ability to sit down or limited lifting and bending, and we are happy to make adjustments to any job to help you succeed. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Godly men are needed to serve in just about every area of our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Women are needed to serve in various areas of our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving as a married couple can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Family ministries can be a fun and rewarding way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Early Childhood ministries can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Elementary ministries can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Middle School ministries can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with High School ministries can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve families and people with special needs in our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with GIFT ministries can be a fun way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Care & Support ministries can be a rewarding way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving by allowing God to use us to care for and encourage those around us can be a rewarding way to connect with our church family and local community.
Our Community Care ministry wants to use the gifts and resources God has given us to show the love of Christ as we minister to those in need. Community Care opportunities are prayerfully organized and dependent on the power of the Holy Spirit to meet the practical needs of our communities, providing encouragement and support, and advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in all we do.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving with Worship and Music ministries can be a fun and rewarding way to connect with our church family. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Use the gifts and experience God has given you to serve our church and community in Christ’s name.
Serving bilingually or in Spanish can be a fun way to connect with our church family and other Spanish speaking neighbors in our community. If you would like to try out a few volunteer opportunities before deciding which is right for you, or if you have questions about getting started, please contact ProjectServe Ministry Leader Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Volunteers make ministry possible. Just like our bodies are made up of multiple, necessary parts, your talents and abilities are needed to fulfill God’s mission for our church.
Check out volunteer opportunities below. Are you outgoing? You might be a great fit for our Hospitality Team. Do you have a heart for those in need? Explore ways to care for our community through our Missional Living ministry. Are you excited to raise up the next generation of believers? Check out our opportunities to serve with kids and teens. No matter what gifts God has given you, there is a need in our church waiting for you to fill it.
Opportunities to Serve
More Ways to Serve
If you haven’t found what you’re looking for, or if you’d like to explore more opportunities that fit your gifts and interests, reach out to us at serving@stonebriar.org or browse all of our ministries’ current volunteer needs.
Adult Volunteers
- Complete our Adult Volunteer Application.
- Find a volunteer opportunity on this page and sign up.
For more information on any of our ProjectServe opportunities or how to get started, contact Kim Porter at serving@stonebriar.org.
Youth Volunteers
YES! (Youth Engaged in Serving) is a unique service opportunity for youth to grow in their maturity and gain experience in leadership skills. Through the time the youth are in the YES! Program, they will be able to share the Lord’s Word with children from birth to high school and beyond. To participate in the YES! Program, youth must be in sixth through twelfth grade. YES! interviews and trainings are held quarterly.
- Complete the YES! Application
- Interview with Heather Tinkle, the YES! Ministry Coordinator
- Attend YES! Training
For more information on the YES! Program, contact Heather Tinkle at yes@stonebriar.org.
Discover Your Gifts
While we are all called to serve wherever there is a need, each of us have also been blessed with spiritual gifts that equip us to serve in specific ways, such as hospitality or leadership. We invite you to take our spiritual gifts inventory to discover your strengths and help you decide where to use them as a volunteer.
Project Serve Team
Kim Porter
ProjectServe Ministry Director
Carly Ward
ProjectServe Ministry Coordinator
Heather Tinkle
YES! (Youth Engaged in Service) Ministry Coordinator
Questions about Volunteering?
If you have more questions about volunteering with Stonebriar, please contact Kim Porter at kimp@stonebriar.org or 469-252-5372.