Embracing a New Chapter

A Special Announcement From Founding Pastor Chuck Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll serving in the Stonebriar pulpit over 26 years

A Special Announcement From Founding Pastor Chuck Swindoll

As I stand before you today, I find myself filled with a profound sense of gratitude and bittersweet reflection. After 26 incredible years as your senior pastor at Stonebriar Community Church, the time has come for me to retire from Stonebriar—and embrace a new chapter in my life.

Next month, I will joyfully celebrate the remarkable milestone of turning 90! Now, I have been told that I carry my years with a certain youthful spirit, and you know what? I believe it. With this invigorating perspective, I am excited to shift my singular focus to Insight for Living. This has been a vibrant part of Cynthia’s and my life for more than 45 years, and I could not be more thrilled at the prospect of continuing this work.

At Insight for Living, I’ll be diving into weekly meetings, encouraging passionate young pastors, recording podcasts, and even writing a few books. Yes, you heard that right—just your average activities for a 90-year-old, right? But I’ve always believed that age is merely a number; what truly matters is our commitment to fulfilling the divine purpose laid out before us. I want to embrace every day, every challenge, and every opportunity to impact lives, because one never retires from the work of God’s kingdom.

This decision was not made lightly. Each moment spent with you has shaped me, taught me, and filled my heart with joy. Together, we have built a vibrant community grounded in faith, hope, and love. We have shared countless memories, celebrated milestones, and faced challenges hand in hand.

I am endlessly grateful for the privilege of serving this church and witnessing the transformative power of God in our lives. While my role may be changing, my commitment to the mission and vision we uphold will never fade. Cynthia and I intend to worship with you from one Sunday to the next; this will always be our church family. And we look forward to attending Pastor Jonathan’s sermons each week, cherishing the humor and timeless teaching he brings to our beloved church.

I encourage you to continue living out the values we cherish, to support one another, and to love your neighbors as Christ loves us. Remember, the church is not a building but a community of believers, and I have faith that you will continue to shine brightly in this world. Thank you for the honor of being your pastor. I will carry each one of you in my heart as I move forward.

May God bless you abundantly with His grace and peace.

Chuck Swindoll
Chuck Swindoll,
Founding Pastor—Stonebriar Community Church

Questions? Contact Us!

Should you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to info@stonebriar.org.

For media organizations, please download Stonebriar’s press release packet of this special announcement.

160 thoughts on “Embracing a New Chapter”

  1. I moved to TX 7 years ago and I visited the Stonebriar Spanish service. After a couple of months I attended a main Chapel event and what a surprise to discover the Pastor Swindoll. His book “The Grace Awakening” changed my mom life and I will be eternally grateful for that. He doesn’t have an idea how much I grew spiritually thanks to Chuck’s teachings, sermons and books. God bless you Mr. Swindoll.

  2. Dear Chuck,

    Our family has listened to you on the radio for close to 40 years! Your teaching has impacted us for eternity. I got to meet you (and Cynthia and Colleen) on the Insight Cruise to Alaska in 2018, a bucket list trip for me. I brought my daughter, son-in-law and shared a cabin with my granddaughter for the cruise. The best part of it was getting to have you be my pastor for a week. Thank you, THANK YOU, Chuck, for all the years of devotion to teaching God’s word so clearly and keeping it real.

    Thank you, too, for your contagious sense of humor. We all love you and thank God for your ministry!

  3. I have been deeply blessed and encouraged by the Ministry of Chuck Swindoll. In these times when the Church of England and other deonomiations in the UK have become more and more apostate and weak, it is so refreshing to find a minister who will preach in an expository way and in a practical way that leads us to Jesus, points us to Jesus and how wonderful Jesus is. Chuck’s humility shines through and you know, he would say to you, do not look at me, Look to Jesus. Thank you Sir from this Brit for your ministry. And preaching. Oh how we miss people such as yourself in the UK.

    I have listened on UCB2 radio and also on the app.

    I miss expository preaching. I was brought up on it and the UK church needs to repent and come back to its first love.

  4. Oh my where do I begin. Pearl Louder, Jewel, Kansas, who listened to you and supported you most of her life introduced me to you. It was the beginning of wonderful teaching and slow, steady growth. Thank you for loving Jesus more than yourself. thank you for being faithful. Thank you for not giving in to the evil one and the tares and immature wheat. Thank you for getting up and going on during failures. What a great testimony you have been to so many. Thank you for keeping on as long as you have a breath left.

    Love in Jesus,

  5. I listen to Chuck every morning and have bought most of his books. I use many of his illustrations in the class I teach. I love his sense of humor. He is certainly one of the outstanding pastors in America.

  6. Having just accepted Christ while living overseas, we arrived back in Texas to hear that Chuck Swindoll had started a new church that was meeting at the community college. He has been a hugh influence on my life ever since. What a joy to sit under his practical and truth filled teaching. Always providing a way to apply the Bible to my everyday life. So very thankful for this godly man, teacher, mentor.

  7. Dear Chuck,

    I can’t even adequately express how much your ministry has meant to me for at least 39 years. My late mother always loved your sermons. I try to listen to the different sermon series almost every day. I just listened to the entire Bible survey this past year. Whenever I’m feeling down I look for a sermon to listen to in order to take my mind off myself. Just last week after my daughter had hurt me and I was struggling, I listened to your new Fruit of the Spirit series. The sermon was on love and it really ministered and challenged me. It was so perfect for the hurt I was feeling. Similar things like this have ministered to me so many times over the years. The Laugh Again series helped me get out of a horrible depression when I was beginning to experience peri menopause. Your sermons have spoken to my needs so many times. I’m thankful that you have left a legacy of spiritual instruction for many people.

    I will miss your preaching but I understand that it’s time to step down. Happy 90th birthday and thank you and Cynthia for the dedicated ministry you have given millions of listeners.

  8. Dr. Swindoll, you have been my gold standard for what a Bible teacher should look like for nearly 30 years (the bulk of my Christian life). Though I first heard you speak in-person during a DTS chapel in 1998, I wouldn’t have the opportunity to finally meet you until around 24 years later when I finally became a student at the seminary and heard you preach at that day’s chapel. I’ve also been blessed to have heard you preach at Stonebriar during my visits since moving to Dallas, with one of those days you taking a few moments after service to visit with my wife and I (where we also spoke about our mutual connection of having lived on Okinawa). Through your books and speaking ministry, I not only have grown in my own love of and relationship with the Lord, but have also grown in my love of studying and teaching Scripture. Thank you, Pastor. With much love and respect, I thank God for you and for your years of faithful devotion to learning God’s word, living it out, and passing those truths to others (Ezra 7:10). God bless you, sir.

  9. Dear Chuck:

    I was lucky to find you on the radio around 1980 and the moment I heard your voice I was hooked. Finally, many years later on Sunday morning July4, 2010, I attended a service at Stonebriar and was able to meet you, get a picture taken, and your graciously wrote a remembrance in my Bible. As the service began you even mentioned meeting me because my name is Chuck, telling the congregation what a great name that was! I will forever be grateful for your teachings and the positive effect you had on my life.

    God Bless you always,
    Chuck L

  10. Many years Pastor Chuck has filled our living room with delight. At times smiling and crying whilst Delving into the Scriptures and learning and loving God with him.

    An honour to have Pastor Chuck teaching us all these years all the way in Australia. His books and daily guided journals a delight for our soul. What a blessing to receive more of his books in the future!
    The individuals who are taught and mentored by you; what a privilege! If only time could stand still so we can learn from you for so many more years to come. Your stories a delight and your smile contagious.
    What a blessing you are to so many who are around you and all around the world!
    God bless you!

  11. Dear Pastor!

    What a Blessing has been to follow you all these years on both your messages and insight for living, I always enjoy listening to what God’s prepared for us through your messages, receive our salutations from LA PAZ, BOLIVIA, it’s our prayer and wish that our Lord continue blessing your life and ministry.
    Be sure we will still be following you, waiting for your new books!

    In Christ!

  12. I’ve been listening to IFL since it started, purchased most of your books, attended services in both Fullerton and Frisco. Thank you so much for your Godly example and the insights through the years. You’ve provided guidance through my career years, raising a family, and now in my aging years. I’ve never seen a minister more dedicated to Biblical truths and living a life that truly follows the message he preaches. My deep appreciation to both you and Cynthia.

  13. Thank you, Pastor Chuck, for your expository teaching that always left me convicted to change & repent but also hopeful & encouraged. I am still growing in my faith & spiritual maturity, and you have been so instrumental in my walk with Jesus. You also signed my Living Insights Bible that I will always cherish.

    Thank you for all you mean to my family and me.


  14. I have listened to you as you moved to Stonebriar most of the time as I would drive 60 miles to work every day and on Facebook when I retired. When I and Ron got together he did not go to church and we started to go to Fourth Memorial here in Spokane and then having Ron listen with me on Facebook.

    I have loved watching Ron grow in the Lord and with me as I learned more. We are never to old to learn. I want to thank you for all of the years and the love you have shown to all of us.

  15. I started listening to Chuck on Insight for Living on WBFG in the metropolitan Detroit area in the 1980s. My wife Lynda and I moved to the DFW metroplex in 1993 and started attending Stonebriar Community Church in 2002. I became involved in the music ministry in orchestra and Lynda served in Women’s ministry capacities over the years. It has been a wonderful privilege to have been led by God to such a blessed opportunity. We are thankful for Pastor Chuck’s many years of faithful leadership and exposition of the Word of God. He is truly and example of a man of God in this era. May God continue to use him and bless him and Cynthia in their roles at IFL.

  16. Coming from the heathen country of Canada where good churches have been phased out, we really appreciate Chuck’s ministry and have for many years. Not just Chuck, but the Stonebriar family as well with so many dedicated people, such wonderful music (just love that pipe organ, orchestra and choir) and such great messages! All because people say, “Here I am, Lord,… use me”.

  17. Dear pastor Chuck,

    Your sermons still ring through my mind, and I still hear your voice and your laughter. I still see you on my phone, so thankful for technology that makes that possible. We are so blessed to have even located SCC when we first moved here in 2002. You are the BEST, DEAREST, MOST LOVELY pastor we have ever had the privilege to learn from. We are happy for you to be able to move onto a new chapter in your life. You’ve got to be tired by now, Chuck, you’ve taught so many of us poor lost souls. I am a better Christian because of your teachings, and because of being employed at IFL for 8 wonderful years. I have learned more at that ministry than at any other place I’ve ever worked. I love You both so much, and can hardly wait until we are all together with The Lord, and can see y’all in person, so to speak. What a day!!!

    May God bless you and Cynthia and your family!!!
    Laurie and Richard Bush

  18. Dear Pastor Swindoll your words of encouragement and wisdoms from God’s word have shaped my life for all these long years. I will continue listing to your sermons of old. You’re like a father to me and I wish you all the best but already miss you. “10% what life’s gives 90 how we respond.” I love you! May God richly reward you and I can’t wait to meet you in heaven some day.

  19. Congratulations Pastor Chuck on your well deserved retirement as well as your continuation with Insight for Living. Being introduced to Pastor Swindol at Promise Keepers in the 80’s, his visit to Denton Bible when we lived in North Texas to our visits to Frisco, from our now home in San Antonio visiting family, Stonebriar has been our home away from home to worship the Lord with the Stonebriar family. We are thankful to the Lord for your obedience to serving the Lord through your messages. It has been a blessing. Stonebriar will continue to be our fellowship home away from home and growing with Insight for Living continues! Blessings to you and Cynthia as you journey this new season!

  20. Thank you Pastor Chuck Swindoll for helping me get through the earlier years of marriage(early 90s); while my husband was away serving our country, I was home with my two toddlers, volunteering in our community and going to school. In the evenings I looked forward to hearing your voice and Godly counsel. I still have some of the notes I wrote, along with a couple of your books and cds. Thank you for your faithfulness to God’s Word, sharing your wisdom and being a man after Gods own heart. You have blessed us so much! THANK YOU for serving our country. I remember you sharing how it started when stationed overseas, those men you mentored were surely blessed to have you!! Enjoy your retirement!! God bless you and Cynthia as you transition into a different season, you are loved much and will be missed!

  21. Pastor Chuck Swindoll,

    Although we only met a few times around the campus of Dallas Theological Seminary, my life and ministry have been deeply formed by you. My earliest memories of Christian radio echo with the sound of your voice on Insight for Living, as my mom and dad learned how to follow Jesus as new believers in the 1980s. You had a way of sprinkling in stories of Dallas Seminary into your sermons and books, which ultimately led me to apply there and earn my Th.M. Your messages in the old Chafer Chapel still resonate in my mind…you pushed and propelled us forward into biblically-rooted, Christ-exalting ministry.

    Now as a lead pastor and chaplain in the US Air Force, your preaching and teaching continue to bring encouragement and conviction to me.

    Most of all, in an era of public scandal and disgrace, I’m thankful to God for your faithfulness. The time is now for us “young’ns” to take the baton forward into the next leg of race. Thank you for running the race with endurance – an exemplar of God’s grace and strength.

    Soli Deo Gloria!

    In Christ Alone,
    Michael Breznau

    Attached is a photo of you and I as we headed into the DTS Commencement Chapel Service in 2011. Thanks for taking the time to snap a picture with me.

  22. Thank you Pastor Swindoll for your ministry and mentorship these many years, especially this past year! I left my church of over 60 years due to their “cultural changes” and “hung on” to your messages knowing that God never left me and a few of my close friends! I will continue to read and listen to your words of God’s wisdom and truth and will often share them with others! God bless you in your next path of your journey! Thank you!

  23. Even before I became a believer, listened to your sermons. Then I had the privilege of coming to Stonebriar as a born again Christian and continue to learn and praise God with you once more.
    May the Lord richly bless you, give you joy and health.

    From a grateful heart.


  24. Dear Chuck,

    I am deeply thankful/grateful for you as you led me to Christ, on your radio program, listening to in my car, around 1984 (40 years ago!)…. You were asking “is your life in a mess?” Love your sense of humor!

    Gratefully yours,

  25. Dear Pastor Chuch, back in 2011 when I wasn’t a Christian and was pregnant with my first child, my husband and I received news about our unborn baby that brought us to tears. While dealing with all the emotions and thoughts, my husband and I prayed to the God we didn’t really know. One day I was changing radio stations in my car while driving to work, about a minute later I heard words that spoke to my heartbroken heart. The voice God used was yours, but the words were His.

    Since then, I was listening to Insight for Living regularly, but never read the Bible, I thought I didn’t need to. Your clear preaching, your stories, your heart, vulnerability, and honesty brought me to tears many times. Finally years later God saved me through His Word, but looking back I see clearly now how He has been calling me and stirring my heart for years. He used you in my life in a way I never thought He would or could use a person via radio. That’s how “small” I thought God was. I now finally see how big my God, the God of the Bible is. He holds everything together in His hands and is Sovereign over all, He is holy, holy, holy. I praise God for you, for how He used you in my life and the lives of many others and how He continues and will continue to use you until your last breath. All glory to God!

    PS. My now two, not so small children still enjoy the book written by Papa Chuck ❤️

  26. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    Your ministry has served five generations of my family. Daily Bible teaching on my kitchen radio, your books, online and much more.

    Thank you, Cynthia, for your testimony of how you were able to forgive others. That’s the hardest thing for me when my loved ones are hurting also.

    Thank you, with much love,

  27. Thank you for the many years of your faithful ministry. Both my daughters listened to your morning broadcasts in their Christian Schools so we have been with you for many years. Our oldest Gina is now 62 and is married to Dr David Ingrassia a graduate of DTS. She is now a grandmother and her youngest boy Joe started DTS this month. Between our time at Believer’s Chapel and Stonebriar, we have had the most outstanding Bible teachers for over 60 years. God bless you for your many years and may the Lord give you many more.

  28. So thankful for the clear doctrinal teachings of my mentor, pastor Chuck. We faithfully followed you since the get go. Love Brother. The good news is that you recorded so many programs as a legacy and way to continue teaching the new generation for years to come. Geronimo Disla and family

  29. Thank you for the past over two decades my family has been attending Stonebriar and had the honor of learning from your teaching. Our kids grew up coming to church and hearing God’s Word weekly. We will miss you! We look forward to keeping up with you via Insight for Living and seeing on Sundays at church!

  30. I discovered the Lordship of Christ when I was 19 years old as a freshman in college. I have listened to you in one fashion or another since I think, 1984. Most recently utilizing the app OnePlace so I can listen at the end of my day. Your steadfast commitment to delivering the Word of God has never wavered. In recent years, I have noticed more vulnerability in your heart and spirit as you share how God has been faithful in your marriage, your kids, and even in the darkest times of your life. I am grateful for the impact you have had on my life, and pray God’s continued hand of mercy and grace as you enter a new season.

  31. Pastor Chuck I am almost 70 year old myself, but I wanted to say how much your preaching has blessed me over the years heard you In my younger days, you have given me such inspiration, such knowledge from the Bible, appreciate your Jokes. Thank you for your service to your people to God above all, and may God bless you and the rest of your years.

  32. Back in 1984 as a young pastor planting a church I began listening to Pastor Chuck on shortwave radio. I live in Australia. I bought his books and found your preaching under God to be foundational to my own growth in the Lord and my preaching ministry. In 1990 God gave me opportunity to spend three wonderful days at Fullerton. I found you to be personally kind and gracious towards a young Aussie preacher. I learnt more practical pastoral wisdom in three days there than I had learnt in three years at seminary. Since then brother your ministry has always been a blessing and encouragement. I use your materials to mentor other younger pastors. Every blessing in the ministry ahead.

  33. Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for your faithful service to our Lord. I cannot begin to express how your teaching has impacted me and deepened my walk with the Lord over the last 16 years. Now I use your studies to reach my three young sons about the Word. My 8 year old loves it when I share your stories about history with him. His life is being impacted by your teaching too. I love and admire you so much. Happy, blessed retirement.

    Amy Herl

  34. Thank you, Pastor Chuck for you years of Preaching God’s word with unwavering truth, enthusiasm, and JOY! You preached with depth, wisdom and wit. One of my prayers is that I know the joy that you exude that comes from knowing and loving and submitting God. A joy and a hope that does not diminish through life and all that happens throughout.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sticking to the Bible and for all those who learned under your tutelage and have become faithful and true servants of the LORD themselves.

  35. What a blessing it has been to be under your mentorship. You truly make the Word come to life. I pray God’s blessings on you and Cynthia as you finish your walk! What a journey you have had. You are so loved, Pastor Chuck. It’s been a privilege!

  36. In 2009, my wife, Linda, and I moved to Frisco to be near our son and his family. Being a part of Stonebriar Community Church was an added blessing we never expected. As a Stonebriar member for these fifteen years and an IFL volunteer for seven years, Pastor Chuck has had an immeasurable impact on my life. Although we have never been closely associated personally, I still consider him my spiritual mentor and personal role model. What a blessing being a part of this congregation!

  37. Mr. Swindoll,

    I have appreciated you through the years, books, radio, and TV. God bless you as you go into retirement!!

  38. As a college student in the early 1980’s I discovered “Insight for Living” on the radio at WIHS, 104.9 FM. I so much enjoyed the program and Pastor Chuck’s way of teaching. Through the years I have kept interest in hearing Pastor Swindoll and have prayed for him and his ministry with Insight for Living. Since Covid hit and we were confined to home, the world changed and, for a while, the internet became our connection to hear the preaching of God’s Word. I then discovered Stonebriar Church on YouTube! I was so overjoyed to discover that we could watch live services from Stonebriar Community Church, and whenever we could my husband and I would watch. We respect Pastor’s decision to retire, but will miss him from the pulpit terribly. We will continue to listen to him on Insight for Living, and will continue to watch Stonebriar with Pastor Jonathan Murphy. We attend a good church in CT on Saturday evenings, and we delight in watching Stonebriar as well as Moody Church on Sundays. We think very highly of Pastor Chuck and the way he has conducted the services at Stonebriar. We feel he has held the highest regard for reverence and holiness in the conduction of corporate praise and worship of our God. We feel that there is a lack of reverence and organization in worship services in so many churches these days and we thank God that we never saw any evidence of this cultural change happening at Stonebriar! If we had found ourselves in the general area of Stonebriar church, we most certainly would have made Stonebriar our home. We praise God for Pastor Chuck Swindoll and for the world-wide reach he and his Insight for Living ministry has made. We will continue to pray for Pastor Chuck as he retires, and continues with Insight for Living. May God bless him and Cynthia richly in this new chapter of their lives.

    With much love and respect,
    Beverly Sobota

  39. It has been such a blessing to have Pastor. Chucks ministry in my life since the 1980’s.

    Whether by radio, video, books or my attending Stonebriar Community church in Frisco, he has mentored me. His insight and challenge throughout my adult like has guided me along with the Word to walk this Christian life. My days of being a homecare nurse driving in my car between patient visits, gave me encouragement and a time of peace. Thank you for your faithfulness and teaching ministry. May God’s richest blessing on you and Cynthia.

    As I have said since I retired from traditional nursing….

    Not retired, refired.

  40. It has been an honor and a blessing to have met this man at Stonebriar Community Church in Frisco, Texas. Thank you for all you’ve done for the church and the community. It’s been fun being able to see what Stonebriar Community Church had out there! Enjoy the retirement Pastor Chuck!

  41. You, kind sir have blessed my life in multiple ways. Your quotes have hung on the wall in my public high school for years. May your new chapter surpass all you could think or ask from our Heavenly Father.

    Camille Falconer

  42. Chuck, I can’t thank you enough for your steadfast service and dedication to preaching/teaching God’s word. I have learned so much from your sermons and your podcasts. Your sincerity and humility shine through when you speak about God and what He had done in your life. I wish you nothing but happiness and peace as you enter this next phase of your life. Many heartfelt thanks and blessings to you and Cynthia.

  43. Thank you Chuck for being my radio and TV Pastor for 35-40 years! I value the wisdom and insight from the Holy Bible you have shared all these years. An early Happy 90th Birthday, Chuck! Bless you in work at IFL!

  44. In the late eighties we attended your church when we visited the LA area when we lived in Fresno. We also have enjoyed coming to Stonebriar throughout the years for special events as well as being a part of the Facebook ministry during COVID. We are so thankful for all of your years of service. Thank you for all you have given to us and so many others. We have read so many of your books. We pray the Lord will continue to bless you as you serve Him!

    Reverend Nobel, Paula, and Isaac Schear

  45. Pastor Swindoll,

    I’ve never been to your church, live in Australia, but I have read multiple books of yours and now as I’m going through Bible College, I’ve been drawing on your wealth of knowledge. I’ve even re-read some. I love your words, I love the way you so easily make the Bible and the people of the Bible so relatable to myself today. I’m glad you’re still going to be writing…you are an amazing man!
    Take care and enjoy semi-retirement.

  46. Thank you for your inspiring faithfulness to the Lord and His ministry. God continue to bless you and the family with more years to come.

  47. Thank you Pastor Chuck. It was a joy to observe your example for 10 years, and for the way you modeled fidelity to God’s Word and to His people. Your humility and teaching on the grace of God has made a profound impact in my life and ministry as I serve a wonderful small and growing congregation in northeast Ohio. Thank you for living out the example of Ezra 7:10 with joy and grace and in the process touching my life and many others.

  48. Dear Chuck, you have been an ongoing presence and influence in my life for many years. Through your sermons, your books and Insight for Living, I have learned so much. And especially “Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life” have I been blessed by your wisdom, knowledge and humor. Thank you for all these years of sharing your love for the Lord. God bless you as you begin this new Season of Your Life.

  49. God is saying Well Done My Faithful Servant. God bless you Pastor Chuck. I loved your Godly sermons!!

    Zahn Turner

  50. Been listening to you for about 35 years. So grateful for what God has done in your life. You reference my Uncle, William Wilson, and his book, The Execution of Christ.

    That meant so much to me.

    Thank you for what you’ve done to help me along this road of faith.

  51. Your ministry has been such a blessing and encouragement to us and millions of others as well!
    We will miss you but happy for you and your Dear Wife Cynthia as well! We love you so very much and will keep praying for you!

  52. Thank you, Pastor Swindoll for your insight for living. I grew up in a very difficult childhood no Christianity whatsoever. I have turned my life over to Christ many years ago and through your teaching I have grown. Praise God for your obedience and continued blessings as you serve him.

  53. Thank you Pastor Chuck for your faithful service and love for our Lord Jesus.

    You have been used by the Lord in my walk since grade school in the Philippines—prior to eventually being part of and serving at Stonebriar Community Church for 26 years now.

    Your IFL study guides were very helpful in my ministries in college through IVCF while in Manila and one of those guides from your book, Grace Awakening, was my guide while doing mission work in Japan.

    Your love of the Lord and faithful exposition of His word will always remain an inspiration for me to love and live for our Lord. Thank you for your faithful love and service at SCC!

  54. Dear Pastor Chuck Swindoll,

    I don’t remember when I first met you on the radio or when I got your first book, over 30 years and more for sure. From your sermons on radio, to your books, thank you. Then your Bible studies I shared with my women’s Bible groups, opened up the scripture to us, I thank you. Then your live Sunday Services online, thank you. You have helped me through the years to grow, to give me insight (great word, heard it somewhere) to be encouraged and be uplifted in times of troubles over these many many years as you pointed me to the Lord, Go to the Lord, He is there, He has the answer, He loves you, look in His word. I have notebooks where I have scribbled down your sermons, underlined and quoted many things the Lord showed you, to friends and family alike. Your many books on my shelf are like old friends that I spend time with where I can meet with the Lord. I love JESUS more because of you and I’m grateful GOD has place you, a man that loves the Lord so passionately, as a teacher and a mentor in my life. God Bless you and your dear wife as you continue to share the Good News in the ways GOD is leading you both now.

    Love in Jesus’ Name,
    Eileen Goslin

  55. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    For 27 years now, i have been reading, listening, and watching your life and teachings. The Lord has always spoken to me through you, in all your Bible expositions.

    Once I was in the US, and i really wanted to visit your church, but was not on my side. I pray I get to see you in this part of eternity, and have coffee with you. If it will be in the Philippines, I will gather as many church pastors to come and see you.

    You are loved by soooo many Filipinos, Pastor Chuck. I do.


  56. Pastor Chuck Swindoll, thank you for your faithful service to the Lord. When I first moved here, I heard you on the radio, I thought the place your taught the Lord’s word was DTS. The Lord used your words on the radio to speak to me to seek out a church home in my new hometown. Which turned out to be Stonebriar Community Church. I have always found that fascinating, that the Lord used you on the radio to lead me to where you were Senior Pastor. The Lord knew that the way you teach was how I needed to hear the Lord’s word. Thank you for always teaching with such love and admiration for the Lord’s Word. We are truly blessed to have had you as our Senior Pastor for so many years! Can’t wait to see what is in store for Insight for Living! May God Bless you and keep you and your family!

  57. Hello, Pastor Chuck Sir! I want to thank you for your timely messages to my husband and I throughout the years. We listened on the radio starting in Washington State and GOD brought us to Texas. We moved but we always listened when God put you in our hearts. What a blessing you truly have been to us. We’ll never forget you and wll always keep you in our prayers. Now, we encourage you to enjoy your time on earth that God has given you, rest and relax and enjoy the wife of your youth even to this day as is God’s suggestion and blessing. GOD bless you and Cynthia. Maranatha brother, friend and Pastor!

  58. Dear Pastor Swindoll. It was a pleasure to hear your encouraging message each day at 5 a.m, when I drove to work for the last 15 years and so. I’m In Melbourne, Australia. I have supported your ministry for several years . I wish you and your family all the best. I know one day you will leave a very gigantic shoe to fill. I cherish your books and messages.


    Vijay Singh

  59. Chuck,

    I cannot begin to thank you for your example of how to run the race well. As a fellow DTS alumni, I’ve always appreciated watching your well-crafted sermons which stick close to the Word and reveal biblical truths. I’ve met you a couple of times briefly at DTS and love how you’re the exact same in person as you are in the pulpit.

    Love you my brother in Christ.

    All blessings in your next adventure.

  60. Pastor Chuck, for several years I have been wanting to visit your church and hear and see you in person. So sorry I missed the chance to do that!! I listen to you on my iPad and have enjoyed your lessons taught with such love and kindness. Wishing you and your wife a very happy retirement and good health for many years to come! I live in Georgetown Texas. I am 84 and my friends and I went to many of the Women of Faith seminars and enjoyed listening and seeing your sister! ❤️

  61. In 1980, I began full time ministry. I travel by auto so every traveling day we listened to Insight for Living. Your book on Proverbs taught me endless truths and I still read it. I am 77 and my husband is 85. We still travel.

    Thank you for being a radio mentor to us and all our teams.

    Ann and Ernest Rogers.

  62. I listened to Insight for Living each day on my commute to work during a very difficult time in my life. My husband was battling cancer and we had two young children. I was trying to hold it together for everyone and you were a huge encouragement to me. I will always be grateful to you. May God continue to richly bless your ministry!

  63. Pastor Chuck, I have listened to and read your words for 50 years and embraced GRACE that many years ago as well because of your teaching. Thank you for faithfully teaching the truth of Gods Word to me and millions just like me. Your impact is immeasurable and joyfully received.

  64. Pastor Chuck, thank you for your fidelity to the Scriptures, your calling, and your covenant commitments. Although I haven’t met you, your brother. Orville, stayed in our home in Tulsa for a few days when I was growing up. May God continue to bless the great ministry in your trust in the days ahead.

  65. Congratulations 90! What a privilege to been up at 5am waking up to your sermons radio. Prayers for you, family and God bless!! Wishing you best living.

  66. My heart overflows as I think about the great blessings I have received from your ministry over the last 30+ years. May God continue his blessing on you and thank you!

  67. My husband and I can’t thank you enough for your leadership during our 23 years of membership. Because of your preaching, we have learned and grown so much in our faith walk. It has been an amazing journey!

  68. Thanks brother for your years of ministry. I read your devotional every day. You preached Stanley Toussaint’s funeral. He was my pastor in Richmond, VA.

  69. Thank you Pastor Chuck for answering the call in your life to encourage God’s people and bring Jesus to life! A friend shared your book the Grace Awakening with me in 10/90 and it forever changed my Heavenly address and my earthly life! I remember the week after reading it; I found you on the radio and was so excited to have the opportunity to listen to Insight for Living! God bless you as you have been a blessing to many!

  70. Thank you for your years of faithful service to the Lord and to Stonebriar Community Church. When I think about your ministry here, the first thing that comes to mind is that you’ve taught grace. You’ve spoken about it, you’ve modeled it, and you’ve passed it on to many hearts at Stonebriar. After attending for a while I realized that was the difference in your preaching/teaching from others that I have heard before or since. While being full of grace you did not stray from the truth. Thank you for remaining faithful as you’ve led our congregation of believers.

    I have notes on some of your “hall of fame” sermons—those that hit right in the spot that I needed at the time that I needed it for encouragement, conviction, or simply education. Thank you for how that continues to help and guide me in my life.

    We look forward to reading your future book(s) and hearing how you continue your race.

  71. I am so grateful for the ministry, and how it has impacted me and my mom lives in such a pleasant way. This ministry of the gospel of Jesus Christ is one of the greatest in the world. Out of all the churches in the world this is one of my favorites, and the best traditional experience of teaching the gospel in the DFW. Chuck Swindoll is the best pastor in the DFW, he is greatly loved. We will miss the powerful preaching of the gospel from a true Prophet of God. Thank you for this wonderful experience, and opportunity to learn of the Bible through a Disciple of the living Christ. ❤️ ✝️

  72. I have learned so much from your teaching and am glad I have been a part of the Stonebriar family. I admire your dedication to serving the Lord and wanting all people to hear the truth from God’s word. Thank you for your years of service and all the work you put in to reaching and teaching people with God’s love.

  73. What a bittersweet, full-circle moment I experienced when listening to your heartfelt resignation announcement. I was first exposed to your ministry at a very young age as my family attended Irving Bible Church. When you left, Dr. Stan Toussaint became our pastor. I attended IBC until I got married and moved to Frisco, where as newlyweds my husband, Bart, and I made our home. Frisco was just a small rural town with a population of less than 5,000. One day, I read about a new church that would be pastored by a very familiar name….Dr. Charles Swindoll. We visited Stonebriar Community Church for the first time and stacked our white plastic chairs at the conclusion of the service, and even though we moved further north to Celina, SCC has remained our home church since then. For nearly 26 years we have been richly blessed by your ministry, and coincidentally by Dr. Toussaint as well. I’m moved to tears when I think of how God used a stuttering little boy from El Campo, Tx to touch hundreds of thousands of lives, mine included. What a testament to His omnipotence and your faithfulness! Thank you feels so inadequate, but I know your just rewards await you! May the Lord bless you as you transition from the pulpit to the congregation and as you and Cynthia continue your ministry through IFL.

  74. Pastor Swindoll, you are an inspiration and a blessing to my life and have been for many years. I have a collection of your books and each one has helped me navigate this life and understand my purpose. The very first book I ever read by you, and have re-read it many times is “LIVING ABOVE THE LEVEL OF MEDIOCRITY”; it was instrumental in developing me as a man, husband and Father. I pray all of God’s best for you, Pastor Swindoll, as you continue your walk with Christ. Please know that I am grateful.

  75. It was a blessing and honor to have served on staff at SCC during the early 2000s.

    A special memory was of you coming to my desk, about October 2002, and saying, “This morning, Cynthia and I prayed for your upcoming surgery.” That was so special!

    Thank you!
    Joanne Allely

  76. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    I have always loved your sense of humor, but even more your devotion to Christ. I respect the fact you were a Marine and had such a profound impact through your preaching. Your messages meant a lot to me through the years, especially as I traveled in sales, and had a very great need to rely on the Lord for my success. Your messages through IFL were a daily blessing to me and I want you to know that they were a great tool in my arsenal. I also must tell you I loved your sister’s sense of humor that you shared with us through your broadcast. You guys really had a lot of fun and showed the way as Christians, holding such a joy, and such a commitment to the Bible and Christ himself. Thank you Chuck, and may our Lord bless you in your next chapter!

  77. Pastor Chuck, congratulations on a job well done. I appreciate you and your teaching throughout my life. At one point in time you sent me a letter because I was on the radio telling you about my daughter who is battling leukemia. You prayed over me and my family. My daughter is now 30 years old and this healthy. I appreciate you and all your teachings that helped me grow in my faith walk. Thank you so much. God bless you and your retirement.

  78. GOD speaks through You, from the moment The Royal and I walked through the doors we have received the message. Your leadership extends through the arms and legs of each person we have encountered here. This is a testament to how The FATHER uses you and how You allow yourself to be used. An outstanding example you are and will continue to be. Thank you for receiving the call and running the ball. We are grateful.

  79. Pastor Swindoll,

    I am a retired Presbyterian minister, my wife and I have become a part of Stonebriar since my retirement. Our first Sunday there who mentioned pastors who retire too soon. I took it to heart. We’ve become involved in the Stonebrair Missional living in various ways, and I’ve joined the choir. Together we’ve been grateful for your leadership and spiritual guidance. I pray your time after the pulpit ministry is as rewarding as ours has been.

    Thank you, and God continue to bless you.
    Bill and Angi

  80. Pastor Chuck,

    I have met you several times and listen to Insight everyday. I will miss your Insight messages. You are the most wonderful Preacher I have ever met. There is no one that connects to people like you You always made every sermon relevant to our lives and with humor. God bless, and you will be sorely missed.

  81. Thank you for your service in so many ways over the years! I have learned, been encouraged, challenged, and inspired by your books, radio shows, and preaching. May our mighty God richly bless you as you continue to serve him!

  82. Pastor Chuck. I was a Sailor, assigned to the Battleship Missouri BB 63 in Long Beach Ca circa 1987. I tuned you in on a local radio station. Your messages encouraged me in my walk with Christ. I also found a group called the Navigators there. Fast track to the end of my career with the Navy 2004. I have a wife, a 3 year old son, a 5 year old daughter. I accept a job in Coppell TX. We move to Little Elm TX. We start looking for churches. We located Stonebriar in 2004. You were my mentor all these years. I love you Chuck! Siemper Fi!

  83. Pastor Chuck, many years ago I was in a dark place. You preached a series of sermons on God’s grace. This led me to realize that my separation from God was my doing. He never moved! Thank you for your dedication to preaching God’s word. It changed my life.

  84. While pioneering a home missions church in Florida, your book “Hand me Another Brick” became my textbook for over a year! We now live in Hickory Creek after serving in home and foreign missions (34 years); we have been blessed by your ministry at Stonebriar and we have found your ministry a source of healing, inspiration, encouragement, and spiritual growth. (I was also discipled by the Navigators.)

  85. Our dear Pastor Chuck, what a blessing you have been to me…from my early days as a baby Christian (1992) to this morning’s devotional, you have taught, inspired, and encouraged me from day one. My beloved mother had so many of your precious books, which she passed on to me before her passing in 2003. Each day is started with your devotional, and as I continue to grow in the Lord, I cannot thank you enough for explaining His Word to me, and helping me to understand and grow in the Lord. Bless you….In Him.

  86. Chuck,

    I can’t begin to tell you how much you have impacted my life. Our family started attending EV Free Church in Fullerton when I was 5 years old. I was 12 years old when you and your family moved to Fullerton and became our senior pastor. I still remember the first time I met you and Cynthia at Forrest Home. You hadn’t been our pastor for too long when I met you and Cynthia as you were sitting by the lake. I remember you were relaxed and funny!

    I also remember the Bible you signed that was given to me upon graduating from the 8th grade Bible instruction class at EV Free. Remember that class?! You wrote “never forget Psalm 1” on the cover page of my Bible. I can’t tell you how many times over the years I have turned to Psalm 1 and also have recalled the many Bible verses we memorized in that class. Those memorized verses have been invaluable to me over the years when I needed God’s direction and counsel at crucial times in my life.
    If I had to choose one thing that I most appreciate about you it would be that you have faithfully taught the Bible “in season and out,” year after year. There have been many, many times in my life when I have a decision or choice to make and God brings to mind some verse or illustration you gave in a sermon to help guide me to the right decision. Thank you!! I cannot thank you enough for remaining dedicated and true to God’s word, even when it sometimes meant that you had a tough message to deliver. Because of your faithfulness and dedication in teaching God’s word, you have deposited God’s truth in the hearts and minds of untold numbers of people that will be a blessing to them for years to come. May God bless you greatly for your many years of faithful service to Him!

  87. Thank you so very much for your service to our church. I so looked forward to every Sunday morning. You are going to be missed so very much. Please enjoy your wife and the special time you’ll have together.

  88. Dearest Pastor Swindoll,

    Many years ago you came into my life by way of IFL broadcasts and the many books you, by His Spirit, have written offering great “insight for living” (I look forward to reading those you have yet to write!). How very grateful I personally am for your faithfulness in speaking Truth into my life and soul. You have helped me often while being God’s instrument, blessing me with His Word, your help to understand it, and laughter when I needed it most. Because of you, my love for and dependence upon the Lord has grown exponentially! Surely great will be your reward! Although we have never met in this life, I look forward to meeting you in heaven! Until then, while we both remain on this earth, I will be remembering you in my prayers, giving our wonderful God praise and thanksgiving for who and what you are and all you have meant to me over these many years. May God bless you and your family and may you often be reminded how very deeply you are loved and appreciated! Please forgive me for waiting until now to tell you so.

    Deeply grateful to God for you!

  89. Pastor Chuck,

    Our family will always be grateful for your sacrifices, example, and legacy of Godliness and service. We joined Stonebriar when we married in the church and the teachings have kept our faith strong through many trials. Prayers for you as you move into this next mission. God bless you and yours always.

  90. We will miss you so much at the pulpit but are glad you can now sit by your sweet wife each Sunday! I think, most of all, I will miss your self-deprecating humor and humble nature. This, along with your vast biblical knowledge and great ability to break that knowledge down into words that are easy to follow make you an unmatched speaker.

    I believe you have chosen well in Jonathan Murphy to follow you. I’d love for things to generally stay the same.

    We had such a hard time finding a “traditional” church service before we found Stonebriar 17 years ago – our secret is we had never heard of you before! We’d been attending for several weeks when I ran across a Christmas book I had that was co-authored by you and Max Lucado. I saw your name and said to my husband, “Do you think this is the same guy from church?” and it turns out you’re famous! Now I can say, after 17 years, you deserve all the accolades you’ve received.

    Thank you for blessing all of us with your heart for the Lord and his work here on earth.

    With love,
    Cara Stimson

  91. The Spirit of God awakened your heart so the Word of God you could impart! The Spirit of grace shown through your face to spread God’s love in every place! The Father God you helped us see through the pages of scripture to eternity! We thank God for you and Cynthia too, for all you have given and all you have done! Praise be to the Father, the Spirit, and Son!

  92. Thankful for your ministries. I’m the late 70s; I came across your program on the radio. I listened to it often as I laid on my dorm bed hungry for a real talk with my dad about things that mattered instead of the messed up theology in my college courses. I so appreciate your positive but practical approach to understanding the Word.

  93. Hi Pastor Chuck!

    My wife and I loved your services and understanding while we were in Frisco. We wish you all the best in the future.

  94. Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for your diligent study of God’s word, your visionary leadership, and your dedication to Biblically sound preaching and teaching over so many decades. Your clear and compelling teaching and your steadfast Christian walk have been an inspiration to me and my family. May the peace of God fill your and Cynthia’s hearts as you begin this next phase of ministry with IFL.

  95. Dear Pastor Swindoll,

    For the last 4 years (since we moved to Texas) you have taught me the best ways to age well as a Christian:

    -Read the Bible, meditate on it, and keep learning about the Lord. Comparing your past sermons to the later sermons about the same passages, your understanding about the Lord is even more rich now. It is so personal when you talk about preparing your sermon for that week.
    -Stay close to the Lord, even when it involves difficult things. Your sermon about you and Cynthia renting a hotel room and inviting your children so y’all could apologize as individuals and as parents was powerful. You really helped me to analyze where I need to say “I’m sorry” to the Lord and to those around me.
    -Keep a good sense of humor…My favorite is when you turned the establishment upside down at DTS.
    -Honor those who have inspired. Tell stories about them, encourage others with stories about them. I have never heard of Ray Steadman, but after you spoke highly of him, I found his book online. What a testimony he has!
    -Enjoy beautiful music often.
    -Invest in the next generation. I was “wowed” when you said you and Jonathan Murphy have been talking together for years.
    -Love people…all people. Always.

    We moved to Texas right before the pandemic, so we watched Stonebriar on tv in our family room. During those difficult times you pressed on-loving the Lord and laughing. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

    With warm love in Christ,
    Dawne Schuman

    P.S. I also learned that if you want to break the ice with a new group at Stonebriar, ask the question “when did you first hear about Chuck Swindoll?” Conversations flow freely then!

  96. Dear Chuck,

    Thank you so much for your faithfulness to the LORD!!! We have been blessed and encouraged and challenged by the teachings that you have given us from the word of GOD!! We have gotten to visit several times at Stonebriar and have attended regularly online. We started to listen to Insight For Living in the very beginning and your daily teaching of the LORDS Word, has helped us to understand and obey the LORD, and we are grateful beyond words of your commitment to focus on the ministry of Insight for Living and continuing to teach the Bible in a way that is accurate, informative and inspiring to follow and obey GOD!!! We feel that GOD has given you a gift of teaching HIS Words and we will pray for you and Cynthia as you continue in the journey of loving and obeying your LORD GOD ALMIGHTY!!

    Our deepest love and gratitude for you!!!

    Sincerely, Ron and Bretta Robison
    Alma, NE

  97. I’d been listening to Pastor Swindoll’s teaching for the last 3 decades over the radio. When I first heard him on the radio was not long after I first became Christian at the age of 35 yrs. I was born right after Korean War, at the time many people tried to survive each day from the starvation. Life treated my siblings and mother harshly, more so due to the death of my father when I was 3 yrs. Even as a young age, the only thing I knew was to look for work to earn a meager wage to survive. I wasn’t even able to attend the school since my mom couldn’t pay the tuition. I never attend a church nor ever heard about Jesus from the circle of life I was growing up. God open a door for me to come to America when I was 18 yrs and many years later, I was given an opportunity to hear and learn about the redemptive work of Jesus for the 1st time at the age of 35yrs. I didn’t really understood what Christianity life was about. When I heard Pastor Swindoll for the 1st time on the radio, my heart was pulled to his teaching and I begun to listen him regularly. Gradually, the blinded sighted of my heart was beginning to opened up. Through his teachings, I found my true identity in Jesus and came to realization I wasn’t Korean nor American, but a daughter of Most High King. I struggled much of the past wounds, anger, broken heart from my upbringing and it’s been a long journey of healing and it continues even at my 67 yrs of age.

    Pastor Swindoll’s voice often comforted and assured my heart with his genuine, personable, and convicted tone. I thank God for him and how God used him mightily all these years for broken souls like me come to deeper understanding of our Redeemer and Savior.

    Thank you, Pastor Swindoll.

  98. Pastor Chuck,

    I have been a member of Stonebriar Community Church since 2002. You have been my primary spiritual leader/teacher since that time. It would take too long to tell you how many ways your passionate and consistency in teaching the Word has meant to my life. Thank you for your time, love of the Word and your wonderful sense of humor. You will be missed but always remembered and cherished.

    Thank you as well to your beautiful wife, late sister and your family!

    Much love,
    Jana Boss

  99. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    I began listening to you on the radio as a baby Christian, was blessed to be under your teaching at EV Free Fullerton, and now am more blessed to be here, enjoying what God has created through you at Stonebriar. You not only preach 100% truth with 100% grace, but you have created that culture within this community. I am changed, my family is different, because of your mentoring, even though we haven’t formally met. The humility and authenticity you teach and model inspires us all to be more like who God originally designed us to be. I am so excited for this next season of yours, and I can’t wait to read your memoirs! I recently visited Fullerton friends in KS and OK, and it was so fun to see the Sermonator poster again 🙂

    Thank you for so much more than the memories, you’ve spoken Life to me.

  100. Dear Pastor Swindoll,

    I have been listening to your sermons online because I live in Toronto, Canada. You have been expounding the Word of God for me with clarity, truth, no sugar coating and it has deepened my Christian walk with the Lord.

    Your sermons have challenged me to dive deeper into the Bible along with countless encouragements and those jokes thrown into your sermons are priceless.

    As you begin your next career move, God bless you and keep you!

    With much love to you and Cynthia,

  101. Pastor Chuck,

    I have been writing in my Bible the date of sermons, along with notes. I will never forget the sermon from 5.2.21. The verses were Ess 7:13-14, Psalm 115:3, & Job 23:10. I memorized those verses that day. These verses are a reminder that God is in control, that you will be tested, & nothing in life is certain. It is comforting knowing He is in control. I am grateful every time you preached. I love you don’t use screens to preach & most everyone brings their Bible. You have deepened my faith & walk with God. I am forever grateful for your profound & life changing sermons.

    May God bless you & guide you in your next chapter. We will miss you.

  102. Dear Chuck,

    My little family of my husband, myself, and our two children (aged 5 and 3 at the time) came to Stonebriar not having experienced real expository preaching or clear Biblical leadership. We feel so blessed to have made the choice to attend that Sunday almost 10 years ago and hear you preach. Your joyfulness, humility, and loving nature is a gift to everyone around you. Your sermons always convicted and challenged us to live like God wants us to live all while encouraging us that we are on the right path toward that goal. I have found my love for the study of the Word of God through your animated and enlightening expository style. Your impact and example echoes through the hallways of Stonebriar in every ministry, every song, and every bible study. Thank you for your leadership and service these many years.

  103. Dear Pastor Chuck: We have been truly blessed by your ministry over the years since we joined Stonebriar Community Church in 2016. Your sermons and teachings have been truly inspiring and well rooted in God’s Word. Consistently, you would go through each passage of Scripture for that Sunday and practically apply its truth to our everyday lives. Your messages would always convict us in some way and leave us a lasting impression. We will miss your presence on the pulpit but respect your decision to step down and continue in ministry at Insight for Living. These are large shoes to fill but Jonathan Murphy will be great as your successor in a senior pastor’s role. We also look forward to any new works you might publish as your last book was a most enjoyable read! You possess a fantastic gift in writing endowed by the Holy One! We wish you a well deserved retirement and congratulate you on your upcoming 90th birthday! Godspeed to you and your family!

  104. We have now been attending Stonebriar community church for 7 1/2 years. We are retired pastor, and wife, and it’s been wonderful for us to come and sit together and learn and listen to Dr. Swindoll. Never have I heard a pastor preach and teach as he does. His sense of humor and his storytelling enhances his sermon every Sunday that he speaks We are forever grateful for these years that we got to spend at Stonebriar with Chuck Swindoll as our pastor We love Chuck and Cynthia so much and wish them well in the next phase of their lives. He never ceases to amaze me how he can quote scripture, recite poetry, or recall all verses of a song from memory. At 90 years old that’s amazing. I am not anywhere close to 90 and I can’t do that.

    God bless you, Pastor Chuck. We love you. We wish you well and we look forward to seeing you sitting in the pew with Cynthia singing along with the rest of us and listening to Dr. Murphy. We are eternally grateful.

  105. We have been so blessed to attend Stonebriar as well as EV Free Fullerton for years under your ministry, where there is excellence in worship and excellence in the pulpit. Thank you!

  106. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    Mike and I began our biblical learning from you when our Pastor, Gene Getz, retried. What a blessing to come to Stonebriar. Thank you for your truth from the Word.

    We are grateful beyond words. I, personally, have grown and will continue to grow in the Word of God because of you. “Thank you,” is inadequate.

    In Him,
    Karen Brodie

  107. I have listened to Insight for Living for years. In 2018, my family went through a terrible situation and my Aunt brought me to visit the church one Sunday. Bro Chuck was preaching about Job, and forgiveness, and healing. I needed that, and on that day, God made sure I heard that sermon. I am so very thankful, and blessed. I continued to worship at Stonebriar until I moved this past year, and now I worship online. May God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you.

  108. Instead of writing how great a teacher you are, I want to write how personal you are to me.

    My love for Bible came from you. Listening to you was the highlight of my week. I looked for it every week. Although I had not talked with you much, I found you as a father figure in a foreign country. I found your sermon applications as important as instructions a father could gives a son. You made me laugh during my hard and dark days. I am happy technologies could capture all the Bible verses that you pronounced with great authority. I learnt music words, American history, American sports heroes, war heroes, and church leaders. And Grace. Above all I learnt about my saviour God behind the scriptures.

    My first English Christian song I heard few times was “My savior, I love thee and know thou art mine.” Many song you told out of memory. And how do you remember so many things?

    You signed a book of yours and the signature was perfect. You started talking about the book for sometime. I was enjoying it. But then the guy behind said, “Don’t give him a whole sermon,” and it ended there.

    I will remember you for ever. Thank you for service for our Lord. I am sure blessings will run for 1000 of your generations.

  109. Dear Chuck Swindoll,

    I grew up in my teen years listening to you give your messages through my parent’s intercom system at 9 P.M., M-F and the phone was taken off the hook, as your voice carried out throughout the house. That was not pleasant to a teenage girl! But, now as a grown adult, many years later, I appreciate you being on the radio speakers and even more so, at Stonebriar. I know your ministry will live on and the many lives you touched…even if you’re not standing front and center. You’ve touched the lives of many with The Bible and Truth of God. Forever thankful. May you enjoy just sitting and listening from a different view.

  110. Pastor Chuck!

    I am so grateful to God for moving me to Frisco in 2000 and leading me to Stonebriar Church shortly thereafter. As a widow, I found a wonderful church home here with you as my pastor. Thank you for the opportunity to serve my Lord alongside of you as you faithfully delivered God’s messages to all of us, week after week and year after year. I will continue to pray for you and Cynthia as you serve others through IFL and worship with us. It will be my joy to continue to hear your laughter and joy as you serve our Lord for many more years ahead. May God continue to bless you richly. You are loved!!

    Judy Scheschuk

  111. “To God Be the Glory, Great Things He has done.”

    In our years of attending Stonebriar, your teaching, preaching, and countenance has been about Jesus, His Word, and humility. What a great legacy you have sought, what an incredible example of discipleship you have taught, what bountiful fruit you have brought. A true leader of righteous faith, integrity and humbleness. Thank you.

    A partial quote from a Corrie Ten Boom story you told years ago … “You must learn to hold everything loosely…. Everything.” I have never forgotten how you expressed that story. We all belong to God.

    We will pray for you and Cynthia as your continued journey for God’s kingdom looms large and exciting as He directs your path.

    We love you and thank you warmly for pastoring your flock all these 26 years. And Happy Birthday. Wow. 90!

    Carla and Charlie Perry

  112. Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for living a life of integrity and obedience. Our family has been blessed by Stonebriar the last 10 years because of your “yes” 26 years ago. Thank you for fighting the good fight, finishing the course, and keeping the faith. We are eternally grateful!

    We love and appreciate you!
    Kris, Sara, Ava and Camden Watts

  113. Chuck,

    I can’t tell you all of the ways you have blessed me as I’ve listened to your broadcasts off and on for 34 years. I joined Stonebriar in 1998 as soon as I heard about this new church because your name was associated with it. I can’t tell you how much God has blessed my wife and I through your ministry at Stonebriar!

    Godspeed, brother!

  114. Brother Chuck your expository teaching has strengthened our family in so many ways. I did not really love God when got saved, I did not know him. But through your ministry we have come to love Him more and more everyday. We definitely did not fully love others. The criminal, the addicted, those who worshiped other gods, even tattooed folks were kept at arms length. But the Word you taught has made grace and love spread across the world. Thanks for your support of special needs and from one defective to another, well done sir and we love you.

  115. Thank you Pastor Chuck,

    You messages have been very clear and with a lot of compassion. I went to Stonebriar by accident, driving in that area on a Sunday morning, my son in law mentioned your name but I did not know that i was going to find you in this church that morning. I also discovered that Stonebriar welcome widows and do they have a group WE. It was an awesome experience and I still attend not only the Sunday services but the widows group that have been a huge blessing for me.

    I have enjoyed volunteering and I have contentment in my life with Our Lord Jesus in my heart. God bless you and your wife and enjoy your retirement

  116. I am thankful that God used Pastor Chuck in my earthly Christian walk. It started with a message I heard on the radio in the early 90’s. It was his expository teaching that captured my attention.

    Later on, in 2009, I worked at Insight for Living for four years. I would have never imagined it. But that was part of God’s plan for me.

    I have moved several times because of my husband’s work since then, but Stonebriar is still my church.

    I thank God for his gift of Chuck’s teaching in my life.

  117. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    We are delighted to have had the privilege of attending Stonebriar CC these last 22 years. However, I have listened to you for closer to 40 years and your ministry has had a huge impact on my life. I must generalize or this will be toooo long.

    I’m very grateful for your life, your witness, your boundless enthusiasm, your humble willingness to serve and share God’s word with your congregation, for your insight and your wisdom. And also, for your very life that stands up to the brutal public eye with such integrity. Thank you.

    We shall miss you in the pulpit but will be happy to see you get to enjoy sitting with Cynthia on a Sunday morning.

    With love and prayers for abundant blessings for you and your family.
    Wade and Jackie Daniel

  118. We started attending Stonebriar CC when our family moved to TX in 2016. Pastor Chuck’s messages just spoke to my soul. I felt a deep connection to Stonebriar CC and to the teachings of Pastor Chuck. Our family was blessed richly during the 5 years we attended Stonebriar CC. We are so grateful to have been given the opportunity to grow spiritually with you as our pastor. Thank you for who you are and what you’ve done for this church. You are truly one-of-a-kind. God Bless.

  119. Most of my life as a believer, I have found your writings and preaching to be a reliable source for my growth in Christ. I’m fortunate to have sit under your ministry at SCC since 2009. You will be greatly missed! Eternity will reveal the lives you have touched. Well done, good and faithful servant!

  120. Happy birthday to you my mentor. We’ve been at Stonebriar for 8+ years and oh how I wish that we had come sooner. We eagerly wait for Sundays to roll around so that we can go to church again.

    I have read through the Bible several times yet I learn so much from your teachings. Insight for Living is a daily must for us. Stonebriar has had such a life changing impact on me, one for which I shall be forever grateful.

    You are loved by 10s of thousands.

    God bless as you focus more on Insight.

  121. Pastor Chuck,

    As a retired Air Force Chaplain I have been blessed with your writings for years. Your insight and clear interpretation of Scripture have guided my preaching and teaching for 31 years. I am currently leading a men’s Bible Study using your commentary on Romans. One of the men accepted Christ just a few months ago. My wife and I have been guided through your sermons at Stonebriar for the past 17 years. Thank you and Happy 90th Birthday.

    God bless,
    Gregg and Julie Custer

  122. Dear Chuck,

    I don’t know if you remember me but 16 years ago you dedicated mt nephew and I was the woman that shook your hand and said how much I enjoyed your sermon. Or maybe you will remember me a trip to Israel several years ago. I was with my brother, sister-in-law law and her sister. I am kidding of course but I wanted to point out you may not know me but I sure know you!

    When I returned from Israel my faith had grown and has continued to grow watching your sermons on line. But the biggest change you helped me with was right after the death of my son and your sermon was on Job. Listening to your views on Job and all he went through yet did not blame God taught me how God was leading me. Because of that I know without a doubt our God never left any of us for a second and we can truly praise God. Who knows, maybe the glory of God will shine through me!

    Thank you so much for really teaching us to live Godly lives.

  123. Dear Chuck,

    Though I have not attended church services for several years, your ministry of writing, speaking and recording have been a constant encouragement to me. Your words of insight and biblical wisdom have guided my personal walk with the Lord. Though we have never met, I just want to say thank you for all you have done and will continue to do for the kingdom of God.

  124. When I was a young teenager my Christian grandmother was telling us about the young minister that spoke the truth and wrote about those truths. Her comment was that you were Church of God and didn’t know it. That was the church I grew up with (non denominational with headquarters in Anderson, Indiana). She was wrong in that statement in that you knew that all Christians were a part of God’s Church and you were too.

    I am so blessed to have sat under your teaching of the scriptures. My grandmother, if she were still alive would be shouting Hallelujah for that having taken place.

    Our main reason for attending in the first place was that there was a Great Gift ministry here. Our son had the privilege of being a part of that until his death this March.

    Thank you for giving him a church home and a place to worship and learn more about God. Praying that you will have many good years to continue worshiping with us. I thank God for you and your messages.

  125. Happy Birthday to you! … and thank you so much for teaching me the Bible these past 25 years.

    My family and I know the true word of god because of your teaching. You have been instrumental in us having a relationship with the one true god whose word endures forever.
    But I got to say … your teachings of will be forever in my heart.

    With the greatest respect,
    The Bivens Family

  126. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    45 years ago in India my mother used to order your books and speak about you. Imagine my astonished delight when my cousin relocated to Texas 10 years ago and began attending Stonebriar. I had the privilege of visiting, listening to you and meeting you. You give such clear and loving directives from the word of God that have enriched and blessed my life.


  127. Chuck:

    You have been such an influence on our spiritual lives.

    First with our involvement with you in the college ministry at EVFree Fullerton in the 70’s, to your sermon tapes we shared with our missionary friends over seas, to the many years of insight sermons and books since you left Fullerton. Thank you for your commitment to practical spiritual applications in every sermon you preached including the many books you write and are a part of our permanent library.

    Then most recently with your bible commentaries, we have shared with family members who have been influenced by what they have read. We look forward to your continued commitment to Insight For Living. May the Lord continue to richly bless this critical ministry.

    David and Loralyn Cain. (Son of Stanley and Bernita Cain)

  128. Pastor Chuck, it has not always been easy to feel included at Stonebriar. The challenges accompanying today’s political and cultural environments are on much display amongst fellow parishioners. However, I have continually felt encouraged because of your insistence that we focus on Christ and His example (and not be shackled by limiting doctrines from others). Thank you, thank you, thank you! I pray that God will continue to bless you throughout this next phase of your life.

  129. Dear Chuck,

    My husband and I have been in your church for years and before that followed you on IfL. My husband now has frontal temporal dementia, so we have streamed the service from home. My Bible is filled from front to back with annotations that have enhanced my understanding of scripture. My husband’s book shelves are filled with your books, all read and loved for their enlightenment. Personally, I have loved your stories throughout these years—stories about your life, Cynthia, your kids and extended family; stories about your heroes, mentors, friends; stories used to bring the scriptures to life! I have many CDs purchased after particularly gripping sermons so look forward to listening to those again. Thank you for being a huge influence and inspiration in my life.

    Sharon and Ron Hull

  130. My name is Sarah Stephens from Jacksonville Beach, Fl. I have listened and or watched you since 1980. I am sad for me that you will no longer be telling the Bible’s story every Sunday via internet. I have your audio Bible series so will be able to at least hear your voice. I am contributing what money this current govt. leaves me in your honor and Priscilla Murphy. I love her piano music, my mother taught me the piano too. I can’t sing though.

  131. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for faithfully preaching and teaching of God’s word to us through Stonebriar for 11 years, when we moved here from London. Stonebriar was a natural choice for us since we worshipped at All Souls, Langham Place, the home of John Stott. You will be missed and we wish you a wonderful retirement/semi-retirement. Your sermon notes and books will be carried through for generations.

    Thank you.

  132. Pastor Chuck,

    When I first started attending Stonebriar I felt like you were speaking directly to me, well now I know God was through you. I know of at least 3 times His message to me and my wife saved our marriage and we’re still going strong after 25 years. I will always remember and smile of the passion you have in delivering His word as spit would come flying out of your mouth. Some may think that’s gross, but not me because I have never seen that kind of enthusiasm in sharing God’s word. Thank you for all the years and will see you in the congregation. Happy Birthday too and keep on keeping on. We love you!!

  133. Dear Chuck,

    I will miss your knowledge. I lived in Huntington Beach for 50 years and went to Calvary Chapèl Costa Mesa with Chuck Smith. I now live in Frisco and have enjoyed your honesty and soul searching.

  134. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    I was driving across Detroit to work and crying ever mile of the way when I first found Insight for Living on the radio. On that first morning, you spoke of the sea lions off the California coast who could be seen clinging to the rocks for warmth. Your message from Psalm 18:2 reminded me that God could be my rock, my refuge, and my stronghold through the unspeakable heartache I was facing. Every morning for months, you rode along with me and ministered to my heart and Spirit. Years later I moved to Dallas and have been blessed to sit in your ministry at Stonebriar. On more than one occasion, I have marveled at God’s timing when your teaching has been exactly what He wanted me to hear and to learn. What a blessing you have been to me!

    Carolyn Jennings

  135. I’ve followed Insight for Living since 1979 when I was a 24 year old transplant to California from Iowa. Although I had a strong faith, finding Pastor Swindoll helped me stay focused on Christ, follow His Plan and His teachings, and never sway from my deep-seated faith. While in the hospital from 2017-2018 I listened and watched online as Pastor Chuck continued to strengthen my faith, helped me stay strong in my faith and grow deeper in my relationship with Christ. When the pandemic hit in March 2020 I began attending online church regularly learning from Pastor Chuck who always seemed to say exactly what I needed to hear to stand firm in my faith. I’ve continued listening to Stonebriar since it’s hard to find a good church in Sacramento (CA). I have come to love Pastor Jonathan, but I’ll forever remember Pastor Chuck from Stonebriar. Someday I hope to get to Frisco and personally attend a service.

    Pastor Chuck you have taught me so much through your faith, expository sermons, and numerous books that I’ve read. The Lord has used you in my life in so many ways. I’m forever grateful for the decision you made years ago to follow Christ’s lead into the ministry and for the years of service to Him. Even as I turned 70 this year I laughed as you said age is just a number. I’ve started anew in a new writing career. I agree, age is just a number.

    Here’s to many more years. And I had to laugh about age. I turned 70 this year. I’m just a “kid”. Even as I turned 70 I laughed as you said age is just a number. I’ve started anew in a new writing career.

    Happy Birthday on October 18, and Thank you for all your wisdom, humor, sincerity, and insight for living.

    In God’s Grace

    I wish you Godspeed as you move into a new chapter of your ministry and life.

  136. Dear Chuck,

    We started listening to your sermons on IFL on the radio in 1985. When we moved to California the following year, we attended the church you pastored in Fullerton. Now we attend Stonebriar. Throughout, your words have encouraged us to align our lives with God’s word and stand strong. And we have always appreciated your example of humility and service to the Lord, even into old age. Thank you and God bless you in your next ministry.

    John & Cheryl Thomas

  137. Thank you for being our shepherd for the last 17 years.

    I spent two tours in Okinawa, and understand your moral challenges, and appreciate your message to all.

    God bless you and your family.

  138. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    I am writing this note in gratitude to God for your faithful service to Him over these past 60 some years and the 26 in particular here at Stonebriar. Your clear practical message of the gospel and how to live the Christian life have been an inspiration to me and my whole family. On a personal note I will never forget my time at Stonebriar as an intern to Bruce and the fabulous “1000 mile journey” with you and David Chevanne. My prayers and best wishes to you and Cynthia as you continue your ministry through Insight for Living. I pray also for your health and well being. I have no doubt as you come into Christs presence Here will tell you “Well done, God and faithful servant.”

    In His love,

  139. We initially joined the church, since I wanted my kids to join the choir, but after a while we joined the church from listening to the FM. Hearing your preaching even if I had doubts that needed an answer, you had a way to speak to me. Then the doubts that I would have would go away, your such an incredible person and have made a big impact in my family’s lives. Thank you for all the lessons you have taught, I am so happy we were able to hear your preaching.

    Kavitha Raja

  140. Pastor Chuck and Cynthia:

    Thank you for your faithfulness to God and each other. Thank you for knowing our God and bringing His words to all who hear. Thank you for teaching us to “Love God and Love Others”. Thank you for giving us a glimpse of what heaven will be like with our “Father and all our brothers and sisters”.

    God bless you and yours.

  141. Just a suggestion for the title of your memoirs. Love how you get really excited about something and say “ISN’T THAT GREAT!!!!” Gets me excited about whatever you’re talking about too.

    Love you, Pastor Chuck

  142. Dear Pastor Chuck:

    It is my great sorrow that we have not met. That would be so thrilling for me. I want to start this congratulatory note with a short story of how I came to be part of the Stonebriar family.

    I was born and raised in Bridgeport, WV. My mother led me to Christ. She was as devout a follower as I have met. When driving to church with my mother and my siblings, a small Pentecostal church, she would play 8-track tapes of pastors recommended to her by our pastor, Reverand DePolo. Amazingly, our church of around 150 people, were almost all Italian, as was my mother. It seems that my aunt, while attending a tent revival, found Jesus and eventually converted our entire Catholic family to Protestantism. She was 12 years old at the time, around 1940. No small feat. My uncle went on to pastor a Pentecostal church in Washington, PA for over 60 years.

    I have no idea why I remember that 8-track tape featuring Chuck Swindoll. I don’t remember any other Christian leaders she played. And when a business partner and friend invited me and my family to Stonebriar, bragging about its lead Pastor, Chuck Swindoll, that memory came flooding back to me. I jumped at the chance.

    And I have never regretted that decision. I love the teaching pedigree of the church. I love hearing the truth of the bible rather than platitudes designed to make me feel better. I love your utter humility and sincerity. It oozes out of your pores. It is why you are so loved by the congregation. You are the very definition of a good and faithful servant. And it is so fitting that your last set of sermons comes from Paul’s letter to Timothy. You have indeed fought the good fight and finished the race.

    I hope to see you in church and introduce myself. You have made such a difference in my life. And I will be forever grateful. I wish you had the opportunity to meet my mother. It would have been the thrill of a lifetime for her.

    I really like Jonathan. I hope and pray that God instills in him the same qualities that make you such a special messenger and great leader.

    It is my honor and privilege to write this note, knowing that you will read it, like the thousands you have undoubtedly received. It is simply who you are and what you have been called to do.

    Keep up the extraordinary work. The world needs your guidance.


    Michael Urtso

  143. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    Although we have not met on this earth, I am confident that we will meet in Glory in the presence of our Almighty God in Heaven. However, I do wish that I had the opportunity to meet you in person, I’m not sure how feasible this wish will be. I have thought so many times what it would be that I would say if I were to meet you in person and here is what I would say to you pastor Chuck: I THANK GOD FOR YOU.

    I truly believe that God has kept you on this earth for such a fruitful time because you have been a spiritual warrior in standing for the Truth through your expository writings about the Bible . I am convinced that God has used you to reach to ‘millions’ of people, including myself. In a time when I was spiraling downward, spiritually, your ministry, as empowered by the Holy Spirit, reached out to me and helped me to stand on my feet. God has put you on this earth for a reason and that is to reach out to people like me. For that I thank God! I consider you as my ‘pastor’ even though I have never met you in person. I could write a lot more about how thankful I am for you.

    May God continue to bless you and your lovely family. May the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ continue to be with you and keep you.

  144. I thank The Lord Jesus Christ for the incredible ministry of Pastor Chuck Swindoll! My wonderful parents started listening to him in the 1980s and we thank you Pastor for such blessings with your amazing teaching on Gods word! 2 Timothy 4:7 “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” We look forward to continued teaching on Insight for Living! May the Lord richly Bless you and family always the victory in Christ! ✝️ ❤️‍

  145. Pastor Chuck,

    Back in 2000 when I was a new Christian in my early 20s, my parents (who were new Christians as well) had recently moved back to Texas from overseas. They had listened to your radio ministry while in Belgium and wanted to come hear you preach. Because of this I went with them to visit Stonebriar Community Church (when we met at the Community College). On our first visit, I met my future husband. Now we are 21 years married and have three beautiful sons, who we have raised at Stonebriar. I attached a picture of when my youngest was dedicated at Stonebriar 12 years ago. I’m so thankful for the 24 years of solid Bible based teaching that you have provided. I’m thankful that my boys have had the blessing of learning from you for so many years. Your kindness and humor and grace filled delivery of the word of God has been a huge blessing. I’m so thankful for the years of teaching that have grounded my faith. I pray that God continues to bless you in all of your future endeavors. From my family to yours, we thank you and will miss your infectious laughter and true love of the Lord.

    May the Lord continue to bless you and your family!

  146. Chuck, your ministry both at Stonebriar and Insight for Living have been at the top of impact on my faith journey. Through it and, those in ministry that you have had involved at Stonebriar, I have learned of God’s Grace, Mercy and love not just through greatly increased knowledge of Scripture but, equally important how I live each and every day. Through this I have been able to be, though imperfect, a man of Godly influence on my family, friends and co-workers. Thank you does not seem like enough. I look forward to continuing to learn from your ministry and to singing of God’s glory in heaven with you. May the lord continue to bless you.

  147. Pastor Chuck,

    Just wanted you to know I’ve been following you for years. It was around 1974, living in Tulsa, OK. Married and mother of four little ones. My husband had to travel every week for work, so the children, household issues, etc. were all left to me. When I complained, it was not met well with my husband. Depressed and angry, I heard you one day on the radio, giving married couples the encouragement to carry on through the tough times. I could go on and on, but you get the drift. I think I even ordered some tapes of yours on the subject. I followed your advice and happy to say, it saved my marriage. We were blessed with a happy, healthy marriage and four beautiful children thanks to your advice. God bless you and hope you have a great retirement.

    You will be missed!!

  148. I have had the privilege and honor to hear Pastor Swindoll in person several times. Each time I have been deeply moved, often to tears. He has inspired me to embrace the TRUTH and grace of God. Pastor Swindoll also led me to a greater understanding of the power of forgiveness and how it allows one to be at peace in the presence of Jesus Christ. This alone has truly transformed my experiences with God and in life.
    I want to take this moment to congratulate him on a truly remarkable and impactful journey with God. One which allowed him to influence so many that have been blessed to join his journey.
    Thank you Pastor Swindoll for inspiring me!

  149. Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for all your service, and teaching. We are truly blessed to have been able to listen to your faithful teachings for the past 18 years. We first visited with my parents in August 2006 and had to pleasure of hearing Dr Hendricks. When we returned a few months late to hear you we quickly saw this was the church for us. I still remember leaving every week during your study on Corinthians being amazed at how well you preached with such grace and truth. I am beyond grateful for all the biblical knowledge I have learned by being a part of your congregation and for the Bible teaching my children have been so privileged to grow up with. I will love you and appreciate you the rest of my life.

    Thank you.

  150. You have been my favorite pastor since the late 1990s. I have listened to your sermons through Moody Radio (WMBI in Chicago), read your daily devotional on insight.org, and I have ardently watched Stonebriar Community Church service live streams since 2021. Your ministry has been a tremendous blessing to me through the years, through thick and thin, and it still is.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you very much for your love for and dedication to God Word and teaching us His Truth.

    I love you and Cynthia so much!!


  151. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    My husband and I moved to Frisco TX in 2002. I listened to your Radio ministry; Insight For Living on KCBI for many years before. And when I heard you were moving back to Texas & moving your ministry to Frisco I was so thrilled! It has been a honor to sit and listen to your teachings all these years. It’s like you’ve walked with Jesus & I could listen to you all the day long! Thank you Sir for your sacrifice to our Lord & our community!

    One of my most treasured books of yours is Good Morning Lord Can We Talk? I’ve given countless copies of it to those I love and each one says they read it continually every year. I love the fact that you and Cynthia shared your mornings together & shared your thoughts in this great devotional. It’s like Gods Word…it just gets sweeter as the years pass.

    We have recently moved to the Hill Country of Texas & I greatly miss being at Stonebriar. However my husband and I watch Stonebriar via YouTube now & are attending a new start up church in the area.
    May you & your family find rest and peace as you have passed the baton on to Pastor Murphy now. Your legacy of being the Founding Pastor of Stonebriar Community Church will be remembered for a life time. Praise God for the impact Sir that you have made on all of us who have had the honor at sitting at your feet. What a great Shepherd you have been to us all. God richly bless you and your family for your great sacrifice to our Lord Jesus Christ!

    My love & prayers to you!

  152. Dear Pastor Chuck,

    Thank you for a lifetime of faithful ministry! It seems that you have always been there. As a child, I attended COD and heard from many of the men that you so often mention. Their names are so familiar. As a young adult, I attended Fullerton Free and you were my pastor. I remember large crowds, lines around the outside of the sanctuary, and stacked parking! Mostly, I remember wonderful Bible teaching. I still have notes in my Bible from when you taught Hebrews and the Beatitudes. I loved that you were a musical pastor. I remember when you would sometimes start a praise chorus right after the benediction. You would quietly exit the platform and leave the congregation singing. That’s a sweet memory. Years went by and we were all hit by the pandemic. We needed to find a good online church service. I wondered if you were broadcasting and you were! That’s when we first heard about Stonebriar. We joined you right as you were finishing Ecclesiastes. We’ve been with you every week, ever since. My mother is also 90 years old and it’s difficult for her to get out, so your online community really meets a need. It’s a blessing from God. We think of Stonebriar as our second church family. In a way, you’ve been my pastor twice – once in person and once online! You have always been faithful to God’s Word. I love your positive attitude and your emphasis on grace. You never take yourself too seriously, but you always take Him seriously. You reverence His Word and your prayers sometimes feel like they take us right into the throneroom. I know the Lord will continue to use you in this new chapter of your life. I can’t wait to read your memoir! By the way, I found an old bulletin and I’m attaching it just for fun. My mom and I join the long list of those who would say we love and appreciate you!

    Thank you, Pastor Chuck!

  153. I was introduced to Insight for Living and Chuck over 20 years ago when my life was off-kilter. Listening to Chuck’s messages had a profound initial impact due to his teaching and application of the Word. Chuck’s teachings led me to visit Stonebriar (even though I then lived in San Antonio). I immediately felt something special at Stonebriar. When I relocated to the DFW area, I started to consistently attend Stonebriar, giving me the opportunity to bathe in Chuck’s words, messages, and encouragement. Chuck’s legacy is the countless people he influenced without ever meeting any of them. I appreciate Chuck’s impact on my life and journey with God.

    Thank you, Chuck, from one of the many faceless people you positively influenced. God Bless you!!

  154. Pastor Chuck, your books and messages have been a huge blessing to me for years. Your humility, scriptural insight and touching stories are a testimony of your love for Jesus. I appreciate your humor and desire to look for joy in things. Thank you for seeking the Lord and sharing Him with others!

  155. Pastor Chuck, our family can not express in words our gratitude for your faithful dedication to preaching God’s word. Each of your messages has lead our family closer to our Lord, helped us know Him better and deepened our faith. You have earned this retirement and we look forward to being with you in the congregation each Sunday! May God bless you in this new chapter.
    The Creme family

  156. I made a video to thank you for all your influence to my life for so many years.

    Congrats on 26 years!!

    Congrats on new office at insight for living!!

    Happy 90 too!!!

  157. With tears of joy for pastor and Cynthia Swindoll I thank them both for allowing God to use them in such an open, authentic and even humorous way it encourages my own ministry to be likewise. Bless you both and I’m am excited to see what God has in store for the remainder of your exciting life!

  158. Chuck,

    I came late into your ministry I have gained a life time’s worth of study on the Bible and the Lord. I have a great many of your books and I am still studying them.

    May God grant you and Cynthia a Loving and Healthy time together in these last many years.

    FYI. I am Bryant Kelley’s sister and enjoyed the few time’s I’ve been able to spend time with you and Cynthia.

  159. We can’t begin to express our profound love and gratitude for your years as pastor of Stonebriar Community Church. It is difficult to think about not hearing your sermons each week, since you’ve always delved into the scriptures and shown us how to apply them in our lives.

    Our Christian walk has also been strengthened by your many wonderful books and the ministry of Insight for Living. We are encouraged by knowing we can always read your words and hear your voice in this way.

    Thank you again to you and Cynthia and we pray for God’s richest blessings as you begin this next chapter in your lives.

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