The Grey Family

Serving athletes in ministry across U.S.

The Grey Family

Owen, Emily, and their children, Maisie, Conrad, and Eva

Location: Xenia, Ohio

Missionary Agency: Athletes in Action (Cru)

Owen and Emily Grey have been serving with Athletes in Action, a Cru ministry, since 2011. They live in Xenia, Ohio, working at AIA’s world headquarters with their three children, Maisie (7), Conrad (5), and Eva (3). After being discipled through Stonebriar’s youth ministry, Owen found himself discipling two brand new believers during his senior year of college on his swim team and began to wonder how many more athletes on other teams wanted to know Jesus. While Emily worked as an athletic trainer, she realized that the injured athletes she was treating were more in need of spiritual healing than physical.

Over the last 13 years, Owen and Emily have been called to serve across 8 university athletic departments and 7 countries using sports as a platform to share the Gospel and train other athletes to do the same. Emily serves as the Operations Director for AIA staff conferences, managing the logistics and ensuring AIA keeps the mission of “Building spiritual movements through the platform of sports” front and center. Owen serves as a part of AIA’s Executive Leadership Council, giving direction to the strategy and resources of the organization. His primary role facilitates AIA’s data and information systems, allowing AIA to better coach its missionaries in the field and identify where God’s hand is at work so that AIA can more closely follow His lead.