Back-to-school season offers some wonderful opportunities to go and be the church in our community, from providing school supplies for kids in need to praying for teachers and more. Explore these opportunities to love our neighbors by serving, giving, and praying with our Community Care ministry.
Ways to Give & Serve Our Schools
July 14—August 2
Donate school supplies and backpacks for local kids in need throughout Frisco, Hilltown, Little Elm and South Dallas.
July 30–August 2
4 to 7 p.m.
Help us collect and sort supplies during our drive-thru event. Serve on just one day or all four!
Saturday, August 3
9:30 & 11:30 a.m.
Choose a volunteer shift and help us pack donated supplies into 1,000 backpacks.
Saturday, August 10
8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Help us deliver and distribute filled backpacks to South Dallas.
Family Resource: Kids’ Shopping List
Looking for a fun way to get the whole family involved in caring for our community? Check out our new School Supply Drive shopping list made specially for kids! Follow these steps for a fun and meaningful activity you can do with your family:
- Download and print the shopping list below, or pick up a copy at church.
- Write a number for each item you wish to purchase (3 boxes of crayons, 1 spiral notebook, etc.).
- Take your kids to the store with the list, and let them do the shopping! Little ones love getting to count the items and put them in the basket or cart.
- Talk with your kids about why we show God’s love to our neighbors (because God first loved us!), and pray together for the students who’ll receive these supplies.
- Bring your items to church on Sundays or during our collection drive-thru on July 30–August 2 from 4 to 7 p.m. outside Building A (off Parkwood Boulevard).
Pray for Our Schools
Every one of us passes at least one school in our neighborhood. Let’s be intentional about praying for the schools near us!
- Take a walk by the school in your neighborhood in the evening, and pray for the students and staff of that school. You can do this on your own, with a friend, or with your kids.
- As you slow down to drive through a school zone, take those extra moments to pray for that school.
- Join our Moms of Teens prayer group here at Stonebriar to pray for our students. To learn more, reach out to Molly at
Whenever and wherever you pray, please pray for their safety. Pray for the kids to have a good day and learn lots of new things. Pray for the teachers and staff to have joy and patience. Pray for the students and teachers who are believers to show the love of Christ on their campus. Pray however the Spirit leads you, and lift up our local schools to His care.
Encourage Teachers & School Staff
Whether you have kids in school or not, everyone in our church family can be good neighbors to the schools around us! Here are a few ideas on how to do that:
- Write encouraging notes for the staff of your local school, such as the teachers, school secretaries, and principals—and don’t forget the cafeteria and custodial staff!
- Bake or buy some sweet treats to deliver to the office at your local school.
- Support students and teachers by going to football games, concerts, or plays.
- Ask if your local school needs volunteers to help with tutoring or other areas of support.
For more ideas and resources to help you love our local schools, come to our back to school Beyond These Walls meeting on Sunday, August 11!
More Ways to Give & Serve Our Neighbors
Every Monday
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Drive up to donate food and supplies for our neighbors in need.
Every Saturday
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Show God’s love to inner-city kids at this fun Bible club in South Dallas.
Every First Saturday
9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Prepare and serve meals for our neighbors in South Dallas.
Every Third Saturday
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Serve the homeless as they receive clothing and care in South Dallas.
Have Questions?
We’re here to help! Please reach out to Karen Hawkins at