Looking for meaningful connections and spiritual growth? Join a Community Group! These small groups meet in homes throughout the week, creating a welcoming space to build friendships, grow in faith, and do life together.
In Community Groups, we study God’s Word, support each other in prayer, serve our church and city, and share life’s moments.
Explore open groups below, connect with a leader, and visit to find your best fit. Let us know if you have any questions?we’d love to help you get connected. community groups used to be called home fellowships. These welcoming small groups meet in homes for fellowship, bible study and community.
Encuentra un grupo
Equipo de ministerios para adultos
Les Fleetwood
Ministro de adultos y pastor ordenado
Kristina Davis
Director de Ministerios de Adultos
Brooke Pszyk
Coordinadora de Ministerios de Adultos
¿Tienes más preguntas? ¡Contáctanos!
Si desea obtener más información sobre los grupos comunitarios, comuníquese con nuestro Coordinador de Ministerio. Brooke Pszyk escribiéndole a brookep@stonebriar.org.