Following God Through Adversity
Why does God allow difficult circumstances to happen? Join Pastor Keith Tyler in this week’s “Devo on the Go” to hear encouragement for facing life’s tough questions.
Why does God allow difficult circumstances to happen? Join Pastor Keith Tyler in this week’s “Devo on the Go” to hear encouragement for facing life’s tough questions.
Romans 12 tells us that we have been given many unique gifts to use in humble service to others. Listen to this week’s “Devo on the Go” with Pastor Keith Tyler to be challenged and encouraged to use your many gifts and talents to “Be the Church” to our community and around the world.
Worried or anxious? Be reminded that God is present and can be relied upon in today’s Devo on the Go with Pastor Keith Tyler.
What comes next? Set aside your worries and trust God to take care of your future in this week’s Devo on the Go with Pastor Keith Tyler.
Are you having trouble focusing too much on the many changes in our world today? Listen as Linda Wylie shares the peace that can be found in choosing instead to pivot our thoughts to the enduring and unchanging truths found in Scripture.
Take a moment to watch this segment of Devo on the Go as Pastor Keith Tyler reminds us how prayer gives life.
Listen as Pastor David Ake reminds us to not focus on what we need but Who we need in our lives each day.
Start your day with this quick Devo on the Go as Pastor Keith Tyler explains how nothing can separate us from God’s love.
Have you wondered how to find peace when daily confronted by stories of disease and hatred? Throughout the Bible we can find where shelter lies—our one true Refuge. Join Pastoral Leader Karen Hawkins as she reflects on passages from Psalms.
Do you ever reach the end of a book and find a disappointing ending? Well, take comfort—the final book of the Bible promises not only a marvelous ending but a glorious new beginning!